Automated Whatsapp chat analysis using AI
Plug in to SentiSum's text analytics platform to get real-time customer insights from every Whatsapp chat.

How it works
Sentisum uses the latest advances in natural language processing to analyze your customer complaints wherever they are—calls, chats, emails, reviews, and survey results included.
It doesn't read and analyze like a human. We get repetitive things wrong and we're slow.
Instead, it combines human-levels of language understanding with the speed and uniformity of AI.
Our platform makes your complaints accessible, so you can understand exactly what's impacting your customers.

Save hours of analytics time with automated Whatsapp chat tagging
Forget manual analytics. Using SentiSum, all you have to do is log in to the dashboard and you'll have instant access to which topics are driving your customer conversations.
Quickly understand the topic volume and sentiment of every Whatsapp chat, so you can identify areas for improvement.
Get to the root cause of why customers are contacting you thanks to NLP
Natural language processing understand support tickets at a granular level. You can dive and deep dive into the real reasons customers are contacting you. No high level or generic topic tags.

Report game-changing customer insights in minutes
To create real change, you must report customer insight in an actionable way, widely across your company. SentiSum makes that easy. Automatically subscribe anyone you want to a daily email that spreads trends in reason for contact and the top issues of each day.
Why replace your existing tagging system?
Most tagging systems take a lot of manual work or the insights can't be trusted to back up business decisions. Usually tags are inaccurate, inconsistent or generic, so customer support is like a black box.
Before SentiSum
• Tags are broad and require manual digging.
•Tags become outdated so insight is missed
•Tags are based on 'keywords' = inaccurate
•Tags are applied inconsistently by agents
•Reporting is still time-consuming
After SentiSum
• Tags are granular and get to the heart of the issue.
• Tag taxonomies are continuously up-to-date
• Tagging is machine-learning based = accurate
• Tags are applied consistently to 100% of your tickets
• Reporting is made simple with automation
• Tags can be trusted to guide triggers, automations and company-wide improvements
All your channels under one roof
SentiSum is a single source of truth. In one simple-to-use dashboard, you'll understand the topic and sentiment of every customer conversation, survey and review.

WhatsApp—will it be a big part of the future of customer support?
We recently covered this topic in full on our article titled, 'Is WhatsApp the future of customer support?'
The short answer is: quite probably.
We're seeing exponential growth in the number of business users and customers conversations happening over WhatsApp. It's one of the easiest to use and most widely known messengers platforms in the world, it would be crazy for companies to not start leveraging it to communicate with customers.
Zendesk reporting that they saw an 800% increase in conversations happening over WhatsApp. Which is likey due to the ease of use, fast distribution of rich media files, and automated messaging capability.
Read the article above to read our full analyses.
Try SentiSum today
Turn every customer feedback into clear, easy-to-use insights.
How do we get started?
Sentisum is quick to setup and get started. Reach out to our team or a product tour here, we'll show you how it works and walk you through the next steps. Our customer success team will do all the heavy lifting to getting started and will be with you every step of the way.