SentiSum's product has a variety of use cases for customer support and experience teams. Click the one you're most interested in and read more about how it works.
Whatsapp Chat Analysis | Auto topic & sentiment analytics
Intercom | Tag conversations automatically
Customer Service Task Automation tools | SentiSum automations
Freshdesk automated tagging | Ticket tag report automation
Customer Support Analytics | AI-based sentiment and text analytics
Zendesk automated reports | Ticket tag reporting
Zendesk workflow automation | AI-based automations
Auto tag tickets Zendesk | Zendesk tag analytics
AI Ticket Tagging Software | Ticket tag plug-in
Freshdesk automation suite | Easy integration
Intercom automation suite | Easy integration
Zendesk automation suite | Easy integration
Customer care automation | AI automations
Customer Service Automation Solutions | AI Engine
AI Customer Support | Automate workflows & tagging
Customer Complaint Analysis | Complaints AI Tool
Automated call center reporting | Report contact reasons