How Butternut Box use SentiSum to drive customer satisfaction and increase retention

Selene Riontino, Insights Lead at Butternut Box, works with her team to analyse customer feedback and champion the voice of the customer across the business, supporting Butternut's mission to deliver health and happiness to dogs and their humans all over the world.

To find out what was driving customer delight and continued subscription, as well as what could help improve customer retention, they came to SentiSum.

How does SentiSum works

Step 1

SentiSum integrates with Dixa to uncover detailed insights from support tickets.

Step 2

Qualitative topics are surfaced enabling closer CS and Product collaboration.

Step 3

Product strategies are influenced and aligned with customer feedback data.

Creating a single source of truth for VoC

Butternut Box's support team utilizes Dixa as their preferred customer support tool. By integrating SentiSum with Dixa, Butternut Box has been able to identify and track the main friction points in the CX.

With an abundance of feedback from different sources such as surveys and customer contacts, the team at Butternut Box faced a challenge in building a comprehensive understanding of customer experience and acting on it.

The Customer Love team has been able to reduce the number of manual tags required in Dixa by learning from SentiSum, reducing the wrap up time after the conversations which allows the team to help more customers and get more meaningful insights.

Not only this, but they’re able to deep dive into support data, enabling changes to be made at the root of an issue before it becomes a negative score or review.

Before SentiSum, the team was only really able to manually analyse weekly customer contacts with over 200 self-managed tags. This was time consuming and dispersive, so it was often difficult to draw conclusions on what improvements to the CX to prioritise.

The team manually shared a small subset of customer feedback via a Slack channel to foster internal conversation and drive action.

Now, with SentiSum, anyone in the business can access all customer feedback in one click and track trends automatically thanks to the drivers charts.
SentiSum's tagging system has also reduced the number of tags we used to the most important ones, allowing the Customer Love team to bring that learning into Dixa too.

Using NPS to drive customer retention

With SentiSum, the team was able to see the actual drivers for their NPS scores and felt more confident in the insights they were able to gather. This led to one of the most impactful changes for the company, when early on in 2022, the team was able to make a strong, compelling case to focus on value for money as a key metric, before the rest of their industry truly recognized its importance.

This allowed Selene to prioritise the value for money metric across all different functions of the business, resulting in specific quarterly goals for brand, digital, marketing, and strategy.

Almost one year later, the impact of SentiSum is clear.
The team now uses NPS data across the entire business and acts on insights relating to NPS.

There’s even a team accountable for this, to ensure the entire company has visibility on their NPS score and what is driving it one way or the other.

Leading the Insights team, Selene has also used qualitative research off the back of these insights to deep dive into how customers perceive value for money.

NPS is a key driver of business objectives for Butternut Box, and so is an area where they seek to improve their analysis.
Despite having full access to NPS data before SentiSum, the team spent a lot of time manually analysing this data and struggled with how to effectively use the insights. The themes they found as they related to their NPS scores were not specific or actionable enough to drive meaningful change.

After implementing SentiSum, Selene was able to identify key cohorts and provide insights into their Butternut Box experience to enact change across the organisation. One such project is to see what makes someone a promoter, as well as what holds back someone who is passive from being a promoter. Figuring this out, the team can then implement changes which will positively impact revenue retention and decrease customer churn.

Identifying issues before they become a loss

Support issues arise for all businesses from time to time, even with the best laid plans, so it’s how you respond to these issues that really differentiates organisations. 

The Customer Love team really finds it useful to be able to look at the Top Increases on their SentiSum Dashboard which might be small in volume but meaningful to notice a new issue arising in real-time. This ultimately leads to happier customers and quicker resolutions.

Overall, SentiSum has been a game changer for Butternut Box. It’s allowed the company to gain a deeper understanding of customer feedback so they can take action, prioritise key metrics, and drive meaningful change across the entire business.

We’re proud to work with such a customer-centric organisation striving to provide high quality products and delight customers!

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